Hair Play Exposing Armpit Stubble

Bewertung: 6.00 / 10
5:11 Min.

I get A LOT of fetish requests for the custom videos and I’m always genuinely interested in the more out-of-the-box ones because it fascinates me how many different things turn people on. Like I always say, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone and isn’t against the law, I’m usually all for it. And the other thing I’ve learned is that no matter how different or unique the fetish sounds, there’s always a lot more than just that one person that enjoys it. Take this one for example, armpit hair stubble. I wouldn’t have ever thought this would be sexxy to some but it’s actually a pretty big fetish. So if that’s your thing, let me know how I did on my armpit debut, and if it’s not then hang tight for tomorrow’s video back to boring old fucking lol 😉

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